Quick Guide Bad Weather

Quick Guide to Bad Weather

Quick Guide to Bad Weather

Running Deer School is an outdoor setting and with that comes many positives for our students.

The weather, however, is not always one of them.

Sometimes we must close the school because of it, other times we can get away with it by changing our day. Either way it’s never easy and we don’t always get it right... but we never know that at the time.

Decisions are made as early as possible in the day. We use the Castle Drogo forecast from the Met Office.

These are the key factors we consider when what to do.

Red = closure or evacuation           Amber = consider acting such as closure or evacuation.

Evacuation vs Closure

Evacuation will always be our first option but sometimes we can’t do this. For example:

  • it is unsafe to transport students,
  • if there are not enough vehicles to safely transport students, 
  • it will be unsafe even off site,
  • there is limited activities available off site to engage students.
  • If there are other ways and means to offer an engaging day. 

We will close if the site if:

  • transporting students is unsafe,
  • if there aren’t alternative activities offsite,
  • if we cannot safely facilitate an evacuation because we don't have enough vehicles,
  • if risks cannot be mitigated such as the mixing of students
  • or if closing the school is the safest option.

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