Safeguarding is all the actions we take daily to keep students and staff safe. We have the following people whose job it is make sure this is happening.
These people are:
Running Deer School
Running Deer Interventions Services
Running Deer C.I.C
Information of concern MUST be passed immediately to one of those 3 people. It takes priority over everything else. It needs to be done quickly so that we can act upon it.
The decision on how important this information is the DSLs.
This means:
At Running Deer we use a system called CPOMs to record safeguarding concerns. CPOMs stands of Child Protection Online Monitoring system.
Written records must be made as soon as possible, they must be clear, factual and in the students’ words - no matter how rude!
This may be the only time they say something, or it might be the final piece to a puzzle. Its vital that these records are of high quality as we may rely on them many years in the future.
**CPOMs is for recording information only and should not be relied upon to report issues.**
Safeguarding shouldn’t be discussed openly at a 'go around' or in peer groups. It creates issues of corroboration, independence, and confirmation bias.
Once a week Nick (Running Deer School) Adam (Running Deer Interventions Service) and Jo (Running Deer C.I.C) meet to make sure the proprietor (Jo) has scrutiny over safeguarding and to ensure all actions are appropriate. You might not hear/get any feedback on what’s happened, but you can always ask and challenge outcomes.
Supervision and support will also be available at any time. Just ask ‘to take Teddy for a walk’.
Do not assume that it won’t happen here or that it “can’t possibly be our kids or families”.
This complacency is where mistake and accidents happen - which is why we need to maintain the highest possible standards at all times.
Running Deer School is a DfE registered independent school (registration number: 878/6067) for young people with Special Educational Needs.
Running Deer School is part of the Running Deer C.I.C Group.
Running Deer C.I.C provide activities and opportunities based around traditional rural skills and land based studies, bushcraft, equine assisted education, dog therapy, green woodworking and conservation.
Running Deer CIC is a not for profit organisation and company limited by guarantee. Company No: 7605814.
VAT Reg No: 289345260
Running Deer School,
Butterdon Wood,
Devon, TQ13 8PY
Telephone: +44(0)1647 400201
For interventions or alternative provision enquiries:
Telephone: +44(0)1647 279332