Blog Post

Nature's student

Amber • 21 February 2022

I look forward to the learning nature will bring me.

This is my first Running Deer blog and I must be honest and say that I am not a bushcraft expert, I am not a teacher or an expert in anything much, so I have been wondering what on earth I should write about. 

Storm Eunice is raging outside. I have already been out to feed my animals and they seem remarkably unphased by the high winds and just keen to have their breakfast. 

When I reflect, which I rarely have the time or the courage to do, I realise that maybe it hasn’t mattered that I am no expert, that I don’t often know what I am doing and that I frequently get it wrong. 

Daily it can seem overwhelming. What to do first? How long is this list? Will people judge my failings? 

Perhaps, like today, I should pause and let nature give me the answer. The animals are all healthy, the land is fertile and the weather is telling me to stay indoors and wait it out. I can’t argue with nature. Have I drowned her out with my lists and my planning? Maybe, what I need to do is stop and listen - let her guide me. 

Having been at Running Deer for only a short time I have seen this approach with our students but hadn’t really made the connection with how this would help me at home. My colleagues are watchful, they have patience, and they wait to be guided by our students and the result is a partnership. 

I think what I have become is nature’s student and I look forward to the learning she will bring me.


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